GiF: Girls in Film + GRRL HAUS CINEMA are collaborating with the help of Classic Minority for a special evening celebrating female filmmakers in Berlin or attached to Berlin.
This is the first GiF: Girls in Film event in Berlin and we are excited to bring together this vibrant community. Come and support the community where we will be showcasing a select number of shorts by female directors. Doors open @ 7:30pm Films start @ 8:30pm Venue: Griessmuhele (Sonnenallee 221) Tickets: €7 or €6 with Berliner Pass or Student I.D. Online Tickets: Tickets can also be purchased at the venue, subject to availability.
Documentary Shorts
Sept 16th - IL KINO Featuring Films: Squee! Identifying As A Fangirl - Hansi Oppenheimer Jesse Lott: Art & Activism - Cressandra Thibodeaux LA FLACA / THE BONY LADY - Adriana Barbosa So, which band is your boyfriend in? - Suzy Harrison A Mythology of Pleasure - Lara Rodriguez Cruz and Jule Katinka Cramer A Thousand Needles - Nikitta Dede Adjirakor *film still from LA FLACA / THE BONY LADY Unruly Body of Migration
video works by: Sally Fenaux Barleycorn Daphna Mero Isana Shahinas At Das Giftraum Sept 13th- 15th Curated by: Eleni Tongidou & GRRL HAUS CINEMA The art exhibition ‘Unruly Body of Migration’ involves the work of diverse film makers who tell a powerful story focusing on the migrating body. Their own body, the bodies of those around them. The way the body physically understands and navigates time and space and ‘new time and space’ is at the forefront in these works. The subject matter is approached through communicating with the contemporaneity of body gestures and expressed physical movement; a stark contrast between restriction and freedom of movement or the timelessness of death and absence. GRRL HAUS CINEMA will be showing short films by Berlin local female filmmakers
Featuring films : The Golden Brown Girls - Episode 6: The Black Pow(d)er Room - Indrani Ashe, Shannon Tamara Lewis, and Sonia Elizabeth Barrett Good Definition - Anneliese Holles SKIN HUNGER - Elena Horgan Vieni- Daniela Lucato Beautifool Erorr -Marija Lucic Tarot Night - Ainize Sarasola YOU CAN'T KEEP ME QUIET ANYMORE - Marissa Rae Niederhauser HAY & STRAW - Lydia Marx ♀︎ ODE TO ANSÄTTSÅNS ♀︎ - Daisy Rickman The Surrogate - Kate Leismer and Allison Krupp At Dagger’s drawn - Ann Antidote and Notorische Ruhestoerung Yellow - Olivia Ross Music after screening! AnKa & The Free Spirits Anka Gnoth is a poet, singer and paintress, composes songs using odd rythms and free elements, inspired by the lifestyle of the 60ies and nature soundscapes. Highly interested in philosophy, nature and human culture, always searching for new influences in music. Playing guitar, zitther, piano. Born n' raised in Jena (Saale), she lived and worked in Australia, South Africa and Berlin. The last 4 years Anka was living partly in Bulgaria collaborating with the contrabassplayer and freespirit George Donchev. As ANKA & GOSH they played concerts with the focus on houseconcerts and theaters touring Germany, Switzerland, France, US, Canada, Kuwait, South Africa. Opening shows for DOTA (GER), NASEKOMIX (BG), DEAD CAN DANCE (AUS). Starting 2019 Anka is spending more time in Berlin, opening her ears for a wider range of sounds, collecting ideas. Since her early days of performance she always had the chance to share the stage with beautiful musicians like Johannes Lauer (D), Roland Satterwhite (CAN), Rossen Zahariev (BG), Jonas Müller (DK), Joe Smith (US) and many more. Anka invites "the free spirits" to appear from different musical and artistic backgrounds to join her performance. Feel welcome. Feel special. Feel free. doors open at 8:30 tonight ! screening around 9 music around 10/10:30 |
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December 2024
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